How Incumbent Politicians Respond to the Enactment of a Programmatic Policy: Evidence from Snow Subsidies (with Taishi Muraoka), 2023, Japanese Journal of Political Science (special issue in honor of Susan J. Pharr). Pre-print. Appendix. (Richard E. Matland Award for best paper by an emerging scholar in representation, elections, or voting).
Workshops Without Borders: Building an Online Community of Japan Scholars (with Charles Crabtree, Christina L. Davis, Shinju Fujihira, Yusaku Horiuchi, Phillip Y. Lipscy, Frances McCall Rosenbluth, Daniel M. Smith), forthcoming, PS: Political Science and Politics.
Capturing Vote-Seeking Incentives and the Cultivation of a Personal and Party Vote, Electoral Studies, 72, 102369, 2021 (with Brian Crisp, Benjamin Schneider and Taishi Muraoka)
Geographically-Targeted Spending in Mixed-Member Majoritarian Electoral Systems, World Politics, 73, 4, October 2021 (with Lucia Motolinia) (Leon Weaver Award; Honorable Mention, APSA Democracy and Autocracy Best Article Award). Pre-print. Appendix.
Why Geographically-Targeted Spending Under Closed-List Proportional Representation Favors Marginal Districts, Electoral Studies, 71, 102329, 2021 (with Lucia Motolinia). Pre-print. Appendix.
A Tournament Theory of Pork Barrel Politics: The Case of Japan, Comparative Political Studies, 53, 10-11, 2020, pp. 1619-1655 (with Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith). Pre-print. Appendix.
日本語の量的テキスト分析 (Quantitative Text Analysis in Japanese) Waseda Institute for Advanced Study Research Bulletin, No. 11, March 2019 (with Kohei Watanabe).
Positioning Under Alternative Electoral Systems: Evidence From Japanese Candidate Election Manifestos, American Political Science Review, 112, 1, 2018, pp. 31-48. (Leon Weaver Award). Appendix.
From Pork to Policy: The Rise of Programmatic Campaigning in Japanese Elections, Journal of Politics, 2016, 78, 1. Appendix.
Why New Zealand took itself out of ANZUS: Observing “Opposition for Autonomy” in Asymmetric Alliances, Foreign Policy Analysis, 2010, 6, 3.
Identity Theory and Foreign Policy: Explaining Japan's Responses to the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 U.S. War in Iraq, Politics and Policy, 2007, 35, 1.
Japan, the West, and the Whaling Issue: Understanding the Japanese Side, Japan Forum, 2005, 17, 1, March (with Gerald Chan). (Toshiba International Foundation Prize).
The Establishment and Subsequent Expansion of the Waitangi Tribunal: The Politics of Agenda Setting, Political Science, 2004, 56, 1, June.
Japan in 2024: Money Politics Interrupts Liberal Democratic Party Dominance, Again, Asian Survey, 2025, 65, 1.
Japan in 2023: Signature Policies Are Reigned in Without Electoral Pressures, Asian Survey, 2024, 64, 1.
What Suga's election means for democracy in Japan, East Asia Forum, 13 October 2020 (reprinted in Hong Kong Journal of Law and Public Affairs, January 2021).
Japan's Current Interest in National Security is Not (Only) Made in China. It Is Also Homegrown, Expert Voices on Japan: Security, Economic, Social and Foreign Policy Recommendations, Arthur Alexander (ed.), Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation: Washington, DC, June 2018.
Japan's elections are on Sunday. Prime Minister Abe's party faces brand-new opponents, Washington Post, October 21, 2017.
Koike has conquered Tokyo. What next?, East Asia Forum, 11 July 2017. (Reprinted in Australian Financial Review, 17 July 2017 and Policy Guidance from the U.S.-Japan Network for the Future Cohort IV, June 2018).
Quantitative Text Analysis with Asian Languages: Some Problems and Solutions, Polimetrics (Newsletter of the Australian Society for Quantitative Political Science), 2014, 1, 1.
Not made in China: Japan's home-grown national security obsession, Australia and Japan in the Region, 2013, 1, 1, February. (Reprinted in East Asian Forum, 6 March 2013).
China's Relations With Latin America: Shared Gains, Asymmetric Hopes, Inter-American Dialogue, 2006, 1-59 (with Jorge Dominguez and others)
Explaining Recent Changes in Japan's Security Posture. A Role for Nationalism? Tsushin (Newsletter of Harvard's Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies), 2007, 12, 1, Fall.